Directory of Members

  • Our Membership Directory


    Click on the image above to link to our Alumni & Member Directory. You must login to access this area as it has personal information on it and we allow access to this area to our members.


    Please encourage others to register and update their "Website Profile" (on My Page) as well as fill out and submit our "Alumni Information Update", so we can keep these areas up to date for the directory. If you have updates for member information (other than your profile), please email with those updates.


  • Help us find these Alumni

    We want to find these alumni and get them active in our organization again! It is not always possible to get them active, but we would at least be able to communicate with them regularly, so they know what is going on at the chapter and house they helped build. Whether someone was an officer, a donor, or member each alumnus helped contribute to our history and build this chapter, so we want to keep them informed. It won't happen overnight and it may never happen, but we know it definitely won't happen if we don't communicate with everyone. If you have updates for other members' information, please email with those updates.


    You must login to see the list as it has personal data on it. Click the image above to access.


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